Masha's personal experiments

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I'm Masha and this is a home to some of my personal projects. You can find sources on my GitHub (@streeetspirit). I like games and like to learn things, so I'm learning Unity 3D and how to create games.

Another passion of mine is music - I play piano and create electronic sound. Though you won't find any of my experiments in music on the Internet yet, I hope to fix that in the near future. In the meantime take a look at my photos on Flickr if you wish!

Unity 3D projects

_All of this projects were created as a part of a learning process. My main source of education were courses by Ben Tristem and his team on Udemy platform, as well as learning materials on Unity official website_

Be patient while the game is loading - WebGL builds in Unity 3D still are pretty far from being small!

Desert Garden Invasion

This is a variation on Plants vs. Zombies game. Keep creatures away from the right border, keep an eye on a timer on the top left.

Choose defenders on top and put them in front of enemies. Beware, each defender cost money and you have limited amount of it. But Stars can actually produce some money for you. So try to find the balance!

Desert Invasion Screenshot

Space Attack

This is a variation on Space Invaders game. You know what to do here!

Space Attack Screenshot

Block Breaker

This is a variation on Breakout game. Just crash those blocks. Try to win the game, it has only 3 levels!

Block Breaker Screenshot

Basketball VR

Though it's available to play with just mouse this game can be built for VR (GearVR). Made with use of a gaze and tap to fire the ball.

Basketball VR Screenshot